Thank you for investing in Naperville Covenant Church! We understand that many worthy causes deserve your support and we truly appreciate your generosity.
Online giving
If you are making a one-time donation, or setting up a new recurring donation, you can use your credit card or bank account to donate through our secure, online portal.
Please contact the church office if you need more help.
Sunday worship or by mail
Give during Sunday worship
or mail your donation to:
Naperville Covenant Church
1150 Hobson Rd.
Naperville, IL 60540
Other ways to give
If you would like to give a gift of stock or other securities, or have a special request, please contact the church at 630-369-2741.
Your gifts matter
Through God’s grace we strive to maintain integrity in how we manage the gifts and resources with which we are entrusted. All gifts given to NaperCov are used to fund ministries in and through our church body. Please know that your gifts to NaperCov are safe, confidential, and tax deductible.